This is it, the end of my journey here at St Pius X Catholic school.
It has been a very wicked journey to have shared with several others, yes I've had my ups and my downs with other students ... yes I've made mistakes and bad decisions but that's all in the past, like people say "Learn from your mistakes." I can say that in terms of my learning I have learnt a lot from here .... for three years I have managed to forgive and forget, to let the past be the past, to live the present and hope for the best in my future. I can say that in al subjects of learning I have made progress as the years come and go. I have managed to set my learning goals and put all my effort into achieving them all, Although this school has been hard for me to fit in I managed to just pick myself up each time I fell with my head high and my chin up, It'll be sad to leave this school with all the people who were once close with. Over these past three years I can say that I will leave this school with good and memories worth being remembered.
This year is just the end of the chapter and next year will be the start of a bright and going forth chapter. Wishing myself all the best for my college years yet to come.
I am a Year 8 student at St Pius X School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 7 and my teacher is Mrs Tui.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Decorating Cookie's
During the middle block one of the groups at St Pius X Catholic School
prepared a activity for us to work with our Soul Friends and become more active with them.
So this activity was Decorating Cookie's.
This is my Move Note
Monday, November 24, 2014
Piha Mill 2014
This is my WeVideo on my time at Piha Mill where the year 7 and 8's stayed for our camp.
To me having time away from home and school and going out into the world was such a wicked experience. Having to be put into groups with several people who aren't use too and coming back to school like we're all one big family was just great. I loved every single second...minute and hour spent at Piha Mill Camp Site. Camp was just incredible.
( Click on the link .. it'll take you to the video )
Friday, November 14, 2014
The Roots Activity
This is my move note on The Roots Activity we took part on.
Being part of The Roots Sculpture

Today the whole of St Pius X had the chance to be part of the Sculpture being put together by The Roots, it was called the WAVE which was going to be put up by the Viaduct by the Water Front. It went class by class putting each and everyone of our students art work into clear bottles which the Wave was going to be made up of.
The Wave is going to be put up with a whole lot of our artwork inside it, it took up to 4,500 students to be part of it and our school was selected to be part of it. It was a whole lot of fun although it did not take that much time.
Doing this activity we were supported by several members of The Roots....... One of the ladies that were there was quiet a joker, she was hilarious with the way she spoke and the body language she used. She used me as an demonstration and she scared the living daylights out of me. I found doing that and being a part of it fun and enjoyable.
Monday, November 10, 2014
St Francis Of Assisi - Communion of Saints
For R.E this last week I was to put together a presentation on my choice of a Saint....
And I was to find out what he doe's ...
and find out stuff about the Saint I had chosen to do my research on,
The Saint I have chosen to do was St Francis Of Assisi.
At then end of the power point I had put in MY prayer to St Francis.
Friday, November 7, 2014
In this move note it is me and a class mate talking about the lock down drill.
During the middle block the whole of our school had a lock down drill.
Spanish Convo
This is my move not together with another one of my classmates... this move not was part of our language and languages activity. We were to create a move note having a conversation with another one of our class mates and upload it to our blog. This is my move note.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Writing Test Move Note
This is my move note together with Sonya a class mate of mine, this move note is about a writing test we had done earlier on today. This is about how we felt about the test.
Friday, October 31, 2014
My Home
Home is a place where there is love, loyalty and respect, It’s a place that can never be replaced, It’s a place like no other....
In my home my family and I treat each other with respect, we give loyalty to one another and we love each other and treat each other with equality. We may have our ups and downs and we may fall out of place, but with my family .... family means everything........ family is first priority. When it comes to family we stick by each other’s side, we never turn against each other ..... we’re the backbone to each and every one of us. We help each other stand on our own two feet and we fight FOR each other and not AGAINST. My family isn’t perfect but I can say that I am lucky to have them in my life, I am lucky to have people who love me so dearly and provide for me everything I need & want.
With my lifestyle at home, you could say that it’s a bit different compared to the lifestyle of a wealthy white family. You could say that in my home we like to laugh with each other and not at, we like to communicate with one another in a polite manner. In my home we are learnt to love and respect each other and there differences, we learn our manners although they are general knowledge.
At home my family and I mostly laugh with each other, we’d go out to places as a family and not individually. We sharpen each other up when we’re feeling a bit blunt, we are the supported back bone on each and every one of our backs.
At home I feel safe, home is a place where all my childhood memories are held. It’s where I know that I can be me, it’s a place where I know that I won’t be judged and i’d be accepted for who I am. Home is LOVE.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
My Show Me
This is my Show Me on how I managed to solve 1000 - 724
in this show me it shows the steps I went through to solve the equation.
I hope that when you watch my show me you are able to follow me.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
This is me and Latanoa's movenote on how we solved
what 1/4 of 8 is.
Our strategy was Multiplication and Division ...
Friday, October 24, 2014
Kiwi Sport
This is my move note on our first week of which was
Ripper Rugby.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Holidays Sadly Ended
I can admit that it's pretty sad to say that our school holidays have come to an end.
To be honest half of me is saying "Yes! it's finally over .. back to school ! " and the other half it like
"uugghhh .. school " I mean I swear I just want to get school all over and done with ... I planned out my future and I know what I want. At this point in time I am too focus on school and school only, that's going to be tricky seeing that there's distractions all around me.
Okay i'll just come out with the truth ... I've missed school so badly .... I've missed seeing my friends and some teachers whom I get along with really well. Sometime's I don't even want to have school holidays nor weekends but I guess we all have family to spend time with, like sometime's I don't get why some kids can't wait to have there holidays and just don't want there holidays to end but sadly it has too. We all have learning to do.
So I'll just like to thank God for the holiday he has blessed me and my family with, and I'd like to ask him to bless us all who are arriving back at school tomorrow morning.
To be honest half of me is saying "Yes! it's finally over .. back to school ! " and the other half it like
"uugghhh .. school " I mean I swear I just want to get school all over and done with ... I planned out my future and I know what I want. At this point in time I am too focus on school and school only, that's going to be tricky seeing that there's distractions all around me.
Okay i'll just come out with the truth ... I've missed school so badly .... I've missed seeing my friends and some teachers whom I get along with really well. Sometime's I don't even want to have school holidays nor weekends but I guess we all have family to spend time with, like sometime's I don't get why some kids can't wait to have there holidays and just don't want there holidays to end but sadly it has too. We all have learning to do.
So I'll just like to thank God for the holiday he has blessed me and my family with, and I'd like to ask him to bless us all who are arriving back at school tomorrow morning.
Term 4 ... One Day Away .....
Wow the school holidays have gone by so fast ....... and term 4 is just ONE day away.
I can admit that my holidays weren't that great, I mean there were time's where I got to go out with friends and go out with family to the beach and have a family day out but I guess .... well I guess I did enjoy my holidays :) .
Like I said term 4 is just a day away and it's a term jam packed with things i've been waiting for all year, there's prize giving .... there's camp and the saddest event yet to come is having our year 8 levers mass. Well there is loads of things yet to come and I just can't wait till the day come's where we get to go to Piha for Camp ...... have our prize giving and have us year 8's enjoy our last school mass.
Well those are all things to look forward for. "I can't wait"
I can admit that my holidays weren't that great, I mean there were time's where I got to go out with friends and go out with family to the beach and have a family day out but I guess .... well I guess I did enjoy my holidays :) .
Like I said term 4 is just a day away and it's a term jam packed with things i've been waiting for all year, there's prize giving .... there's camp and the saddest event yet to come is having our year 8 levers mass. Well there is loads of things yet to come and I just can't wait till the day come's where we get to go to Piha for Camp ...... have our prize giving and have us year 8's enjoy our last school mass.
Well those are all things to look forward for. "I can't wait"
Friday, October 10, 2014
My Holidays
My holidays were full of my ups and downs, full of happiness and tears, full of happy times and even sad.
The time’s I enjoyed the most were the moments I felt Happiness the time’s I shared my laughter with friends and family. The up’s of my holidays and not the downs.
Over the last couple of days/weeks I had experienced life with no power but only for about 2-3 days.
I also got to go to the movie’s with friends and laugh and have fun. We watched the Maze Runner .... that movie was full of surprises I jumped I squealed I laughed I practically did everything in that movie.
During that day I can admit that I was a bit crazy, but a slap from a friend did the job.
That day just made my holidays, laughing and having a great time with friends OMG it was just amazing.
Also during the holidays as I mentioned early that there was a power outage. Oh yeah It wasn’t so great, no t.v ..... no internet ...... no video game’s ....... no electronics. The first day I’d say was pretty boring ..... but then the second day I realised that it wasn’t that bad, I felt like a normal child playing and running around outside and not inside on a beautiful sunny day behind a screen all day. It wasn’t that bad, there were candle’s and the roads were just packed 24/7 cars driving everywhere like mad people. Shopping centre’s all closed due to the lack of power. At night we’d have the candle’s all lit up, then around the table we gather playing cards... laughing together and seeing that having no power wasn’t so bad after all.
I’d say that my holidays were just incredible....... even though I had my down moments and the moments that I just felt like doing nothing but cry. I got over myself and just enjoyed life and lived it to the fullest.
Thank God for the holidays .
Friday, September 26, 2014
This term I have been working on creating a Diorama that shows the inputs of a Dairy Farm.
This is what my group and I produced.
This is what my group and I produced.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
My Speech - Embracing Yourself
This week I have been working on writing Speeches.
This is my speech on Embracing Yourself,
I did it to let people know that it's okay to be different and to just
Embrace who you are.
{Opening Statement}
Let me ask you all a question... “Do you believe that we’re all different?” or do you think “ We were all born to be the same? “
Because I know that every single one of us were born to be different, in our own ways, either by appearance, by mind, by culture, by race and even by the colour of our skin.
“We weren’t made to be the same. We’re all made of our differences and even our flaws”
“We may be different, but being different is beautiful, I believe that being different is what make’s you .... you, it’s what make’s you who you are.” ....... Others may mock or tease your differences but don’t listen to them! Believe in yourself and be who you are!
Just be yourself and don’t change to satisfy the needs of others, don’t change just because your friends tell you too, or because you want to be “COOL.”
Always remember to be “WHO YOU ARE, AND DON’T CHANGE FOR NOBODY.”
If they don’t accept you for you, then it’s their problem as well as their loss.... they’ve just lost somebody totally classy or high tech. Don’t change to impress that boy you like or even just to act “SWAG.” And hey pull that skirt down, what are you trying to show us ? Because those legs of your’s ain’t showing any respect for yourself But then if that’s who you are and how you dress, then it’s totally up to you. You see some girls like there skirts high and some like them low. We all different in this case it’s in the sense of trend/style, or they're just different. It’s like everyone has their own hobbies and likes, like if we were to talk about music .... everyone has their own taste in music. Other’s may like or dislike it but it’s none of their business, if you're into boy bands or into those slow jams or even Bob Marley and his reggae music then stick to it, don’t change ANYTHING just because the people you think are cool...don’t like it, be true to who you are. Be proud of every little thing about you.... your amazing .. unique and one of a kind.
Ohhh and some of us may have different skin colour... some are lighter and some are darker ... but don’t let that define who you are or want to become.
Embracing yourself doesn’t mean you have to be loud or known for things, it pretty much means to be yourself..... no one else but yourself. So do the thing YOU do best and be proud of that cause not everybody is good at what you do best. We are all made of our own strengths and weaknesses.. But there is one thing we all have in common..... that we were all created by the same person ...... God.
Embrace who you are ... and any voices that tell you different are from the man down stairs .... not upstairs .. but down stairs. So the next time you hear it just say to yourself “no way i’m a living son and daughter of God who loves and cherishes me above all living things... and i’m AWESOME ... just the way I am!
So once again ... Believe in yourself .. be who You are ... and don’t let nobody take that away from you.
Thank You.
In maths I am confident that I have achieved at least all of my goals and am now ready to add more.
Over the week I have become more and more alert on how to work with Decimals and Fractions.
This image below show's me working on Decimals, and becoming more confident in being able to understand how to add decimal problems.
Over the week I have become more and more alert on how to work with Decimals and Fractions.
This image below show's me working on Decimals, and becoming more confident in being able to understand how to add decimal problems.
Friday, September 12, 2014
My Future
My Future
The future is something I think about a lot, I can just imagine myself and where i’ll be once i’m done with school and all.
To be completely honest I have realised that becoming a teacher wouldn’t be the brightest idea for me because I know that in order to be a teacher you must have the strength to put down the boot, and I can just say that i’m just a bit too soft for that. But then I could work on that.
The other couriers/jobs that have also come to mind is becoming a Lawyer or a professional Photographer. I can picture myself doing either of those things, I can imagine myself being a mom to be honest but at the right time. To have happy family and put my family as my first priority.
In that future I just want to be happy, I want my family to be happy. I just gotta work for it. I know that in order for me to get my dream courier/job I have to do my best in school, I have to give it my all.
Friday, September 5, 2014
The Feast day of St Pius X and Cross Country
It was the 21st of August and it was the Feast Day of St Pius X, and on that day our school Cross Country took place.
To celebrate the feast day of the Saint of our School, we had a school mass then had a cake afterwards. The mass was very holy and special to man of us, because he is the man of our school.
Later on in the day we had our cross country, and that was just very tiring. I was exhausted during my second and last lap. But was almost at the end so I just kept going.
To celebrate the feast day of the Saint of our School, we had a school mass then had a cake afterwards. The mass was very holy and special to man of us, because he is the man of our school.
Later on in the day we had our cross country, and that was just very tiring. I was exhausted during my second and last lap. But was almost at the end so I just kept going.
We are now into the second to last week of TaeKwonDo, I am impressed with myself because of the amount of work I have put in to achieve m self set goals in TaeKwonDo. I have learnt many things during TaeKwonDo both in self defence and in Spa.
TaeKwonDo is something I enjoy learning and am very grateful to have had the opportunity to have had a professional TaeKwonDo instructor come and teach me what there is to know about the are of TaeKwonDo.
The Drumming Show over at Glen Innes Primary
The drumming show over at G.I.P - Glen Innes Primary
One morning the senior syndicate of St Pius X had been invited to Glen Inned Primary to watch a drumming show performed by group called *WALA MEANS LIFE.*
We got to the school my feet seeing that the school was just down the road from us and was practically walking distance. So we had finally got there and we had all been seated and the group then performed.
They first introduced there different types of drums to us, and we were all just buzzing out on the sound they all made. Then the drumming group got performing, they performed drumming music and types of dances. It was pretty funny but super incredible.
Ambury Farm
Ambury Farm
It was a Friday morning and the senior syndicate of St Pius X Catholic School went off on a trip to Ambury Farm in South Auckland. - Mangere
We took the bus to get to our destination, it was pretty exciting but the weather wasn't very kind that day. Gale's of wind came pushing through all day, it was so cold that I could even feel it through my rain jacket.
But it wasn't much of a trip, it was much of a learning day outside of class. So because our topic in class was Milk, we went out to a farm to learn about how it gets processed and all.
It was a great learning day for all of us.
Expressive Writing
In this piece of expressive writing I am confident that I have achieved all these goals :
- To use punctuation correctly and continuously.
- To make sure my sentences make sense.
- And to use interesting vocabulary to make my writing interesting.
- To use punctuation correctly and continuously.
- To make sure my sentences make sense.
- And to use interesting vocabulary to make my writing interesting.
{ I have underlined my punctuation and I have bolded my interesting words. }
Chocolate is something I crave for at every moment of the day. Not because i'm hungry all the time, but because it's something I can never get sick of eating.
I do know that it could ruin my health system and give me diabetes. But that was ever how I use to see chocolate. I understand now that the best thing for me to do is to cut down on eating chocolate, because in the future it'll probably come around and say I told you so and bite me in the back side.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Expressive Writing
This is a couple of my writing's that I have written during the week.
Life & Death
If it came to a question to choose between LIFE & DEATH, what would you choose.?
The thing is that there are both pro's and con's to both choices. But the tricky thing is that which one's are most reasonable.
In this world there is nothing but people being negative to one another in many ways.
People are thinking that it's okay to be racist, and call out individuals and call them black or even N***er. People nowa days are thinking that the looks are all that matters, and that it's okay to judge a person by their race or their skin colour. But it really aint.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Move Note Divison Problem Solving
This is my move note on how I solved my division problem.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Maths - Fractions
This is my move note on my fraction problem.
It mentions my question and it also,
mentions how I solve the problems.
Move Note - Ambury Farm
This is my Move Note
of what we got up to at Ambury Farm in South Auckland.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Spanish Conversation
This is my move note on my conversation in Spanish.
I was to hold conversation in Spanish.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Problem Solving through Move Note
This is my move note on how I solved my
Fraction Mathematical Problem
This is my move note on what I learnt during Taekwondo
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Reading Activity
This Is my Reading work :)
LEARN : We are learning to ask open ended questions or Thick questions about the text we read.
Its about this little girl and her calf who is named Polly, they have been friends for a very long time. And the little girl has to fight to keep polly alive and stop her dad from putting the calf down. She succeeds but not for long.
Purpose - Can retell the main idea.
- To infer - what does the author want the reader to understand.
- finding evidence to support our inference.
I believe that the author wants us to stick up for what we truly believe in. LIke for an example, in the story the little girl fought for her little calf because she believed in Polly.
- What kind of cow was Polly/ What breed ?
- What kind of school did the little girl go to ?
- Where is the school located ?
I am confident that with the learn and the activities that I have completed that I understand my learn.
This is my working out on Multiplication Problems.
- There are 3 eggs in each box, how many eggs are in 2 boxes ?
There are 3 eggs in 1 box. So for 2 boxes there are 6 eggs altogether.
- Each bottle cap cost $2.00. How much does it cost for 6 bottle caps?
2 x 6 = 12. so for 6 bottle caps it is $12.00 altogether.
- Each child has 3 oranges, if there are 4 children. How many oranges are there altogether ?
3 x 4 = 12, so there are 12 oranges altogether.
- Each banana cost $5.00, How much does it cost for 4 banana’s ?
5 x 4 = 20, so altogether it is $20.00 for 4 banana’s.
- Each ticket cost $9.00, How much would it cost for 4 tickets ?
9 x 4 = 36, so for 4 tickets it is $36.00 altogether
My Understanding of Fractions
This is my understanding of what a fraction is
What I understand about Fractions :
I understand that a fraction is a part of a whole, that there are two parts to it. The numerator and the denominator. The numerator is the amount or parts/groups you take away, and the denominator is the amount of groups you divide or share it into.
Take Away
This week I have been learning about the Spanish Language.
I am to be confident in learning
a language that I am not use to.
This is just a couple of catch phrases and greetings in Spanish :
Good Morning - Buenos DÃas
Good Afternoon - Buenos Tardes
Good Evening - Buenos Noches
My Family : Mi Familia
My Mother : Mi Madre
My Dad : Mi Padre
My Brother : Mi Hermano
My Sister : Mi Hermana
How are you ? : Como Estas ?
How has your morning been ? Como ha sido tu manana ?
Friday, August 1, 2014
This afternoon, I was focusing on what a fraction was.
I am quite happy with the amount of things I had learnt.
This is a snapshot of what I had learnt.
Expressive Writing - A World Full of Negativity
A World full of Negativity
My Learn was to use : Specific and interesting vocabularyTo make sense of my writing and use the punctuation correctly and consistently.
- I have underlined all the specific and interesting vocabulary used in my writing.
In this world there is nothing but people being negative and nasty towards one another.
People are thinking that it's okay to be racist and mean and also having so much hatred towards each other. They think it's okay to call out individuals and call them black or even N*****. But really it ain't.
People are judging each other by their appearance and not for who they are inside.
In other words this may be labelled as bullying, and us as victims of bullying and human stereotypes are scared of standing up to the bullies because we're terrified of what they may say.
There isn't a day gone by where people aren't being teased or mocked because they aren't at national standards or even good at anything. They may not say it in those exact words but the message gets through pretty strong.
People who bully most probably find it amusing and entertaining, that's why they do it. They take it as a good laugh, even though it's doing nothing but embarrassing the hell out of someone.
I strongly believe that bullies are nothing but hopeless attention seekers. They find bullying cool and swag as kids these days say.
I am speaking for us victims of bullying, who have no idea on how to deal with it. Nowa days bullying has driven people to self harm and suicide. Bullying has gone extreme, it's slowly persuading people to believe that they aren't good enough in anything what so ever.
I strongly wish the one day, bullying will just fade away and not come back. In this world bullying is a serious matter and is not needed.
People these days think that the looks are all that matter, and that their looks tell their story. But really it doesn't.
Like for an example the people being labelled as black or Negroes don't have the looks, but have the brains as well as extraordinary talents.
And us as P.I students and people are being labelled as the low achievers, the big question is that "Is it because we are brown? that we can't be high achievers?" That shouldn't be that case. Because we should never let the colour of our skin define who we are or who we want to become.
But the thing is, bullies are controlling majority of us. That's why we're scared to do most of the things we want to do. We're even scared to answer one little question during class because we don't wanna be laughed at for getting it wrong, I guess it's just how they grew up. But that still doesn't give them the right to treat us differently.
So to sum up..... bullying is just another way of getting people's attention, and bring them down and is not needed in this world and I am basically writing this to let people know how us as victims feel about all this. It needs to be stopped, once bullying has slightly faded away this world will be full of loving and caring people. And that's just what this world needs.
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