
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Reading Level 3

I am learning to find the correct words to put in to the text, so that it can make sense.
Level 3 - On Frog Pond
This task is about adding words to a  text so it makes sense -  This will also show comprehension and understanding of text.

Read the text and put in the correct word.
It's early morning on frog pond. As the sun rises, light sparkles on the water (1).    All sorts of  pond animals are waking up. A (2) busy day is beginning.
At the edge of the (3) pond, a little green frog sits on a lily-pad (4) in the water. He
is hidden here among the (5) floating plants. He keeps very still and very quiet (6).
His big, bulging eyes are watching. He's watching the (7) dragonflies. He's watching for slugs and worms. He's watching (8) for flies. This little frog is hungry for food (9). Someone else is hungry too. A dragonfly hums way (10) above the water. She is a
fierce  hunter, hunting (11) for insects. She hovers near a clump of rocks  (12). She can fly in any direction, even backwards also (13) sideways. Like the frog, she has very big eyes (14). Suddenly she spots a fly crawling up a leaf (15). She swoops down like an arrow and grabs the (16) fly with her powerful front legs. Gripping it
as (17), she munches away at it with her sharp teeth (18) parts. The little frog has seen all this before (19). He turns very slightly. He's ready to pounce,
as (20) he keeps very still. He hopes that the dragonfly (21) will take off towards him
when she's finished eating 22). He hopes she won't notice him sitting
still on (23) green among the pondweed. Soon she flies away (24).
My Recorded Answers -
water ✔
A  ✔
the  ✔
lilypad ✔
the ✔
quiet ✔
the ✔
watching  ✔
food ✔
hunting  ✔
eyes ✔
leaf  ✔
the  ✔
before  ✔
dragonfly  ✔
eating  ✔
away ✔




Multiplication & Division

I am able to use Multiplication to to solve both Multiplication & Division

1. A gardener planted 7 rows of cabbages.  Each row has 5 cabbages.  How many cabbages did plant altogether?
5 x 7 = 35

The Gardener planted 35 cabbages altogether.

Answer - 35

2. I have 5 bags of lollies.  Each bag has 10 lollies.  How many lollies do I have in each bag?
5 x 10 = 50

I have 50 lollies from all 5 bags altogether.

Answer - 50

3. I have 24 pencils to put into 4 pencil cases.  How many pencils in each case?
24 ÷ 4= 6

I got 6 as the answer because I shared out 24 pencils into four equal and separate groups, and 6 was the answer.

Answer - 6

4. There are 30 apples to put into 3 boxes.  How many apples will be in each box?
30 ÷ 3 = 10

I got 10 as the answer because I shared out 30 apples into 3 equal and separate groups, and 10 was the answer.

Answer - 10

Multiplication Level 3

L.I - I am learning to solve
Multiplication and Division problems.
1.When Jasmine makes lemonade she uses 6 lemons for every litre of water. How many lemons does she need for:

1 ) 2 litres of water?    
- Jasmine needs 12 Lemons for 2 Litre because 6 lemons makes up 1 Litre. So its the same as 6 x 2 = 12

2 ) 3 litres of water?   
- Jasmine needs 18 lemons for 3 Litres of Lemonade. Because 2 Litres is equal to 12 lemons, so 6 x 3 = 18. ✔

3 ) 10 litres of water?
Jasmine needs 60 lemons for 10 Litres of Lemonade.
6 x 10 = 60
You showed good understanding of timetables.  GREAT!
2. - Devinda is doing some baking. When he uses his mum's recipe he can make 8 muffins. When he doubled the recipe he gets 16 muffins. How many lots of the recipe does he need to make
This is a division -  24 divide by 8
1 ) 24 muffins? If Devinda triples the recipe then it makes 24 Muffins.
2 ) 32 muffins? If Devinda triples it and then bakes one more batch then it makes 32 Muffins.  32 divide by 8
3 ) 56 muffins? If Devinda bakes and extra 3 more batches it all
adds up to 56 Muffins altogether.
56 divide by 8

Teachers Comment - I don’t think you understand the question Zheiyna.  Post this.

Respond - Thank You Mrs Tui Yes I didn't get the questions because I got too carried away with Addition and Multiplication.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Addition & Subtraction

L.I - I have learnt to use Place Value to solve both  Addition & Subtraction Problems.

There are 21 people at a beach, and 13 more people arrive.
Show how to work out how many people are at the beach altogether
21 + 13 = ___
20 + 10 = 30
1 + 3 = 4
30 + 4 = 34    ☺
Answer - 34      YES!    What strategy did you use?
Respond - I used place value to solve all 3 addition problems.

Two classes go on camp together. One class has 47 students and the other has 38.
Show how to work out how many students go on camp
47 + 38 = ____
40 + 30 = 70
7 + the 3 from the 8 = 10
10 + the remaining 5 from the 8 = 15      
70 + 15 = 85                 ☺
Answer - 85 - Great to see you set out work neatly.  
Next Step: Try and use another strategy.

3.   A farmer has 63 cows. He buys 39 more cows.
Show how to work out how many cows he has altogether.
63 + 39 = ______
60 + 30 = 90
9 + the 1 from 3 = 10
10 + the remaining 2 from the 3 = 12
90 + 12 = 102
Answer - 102  -  
Great use of Place Value as a strategy.

Next Step:  To use another strategy such as Tidy Number or Near Ten.  Post your work and label PORTFOLIO 2013

My Recount about Swimming

L.I -  In writing, I have been learning to be able to write a Recount about Swimming

Today was my first time in the swimming pool.  As I was walking down the stairs to enter the swimming pool the warm water just hit me.  I Stream lined to the end of the pool as I waited patiently for Mrs Tui to give me a number.  My number I had was number 6.  So every time we had swimming and she called out the number 6, then I know that she is wanting me to either streamline, freestyle or backstroke to the end of the pool and back.

So our first activity was to streamline from one end to the other.  Then after that we had to do freestyle.  Mrs Tui was just checking what we are good at and what we need practise on.

After we finished practising our starfish, freestyle, backstroke and streamlining the we had an extra 2 minutes to have a little play around before it was the year 8’s turn in the pool. My first time in the pool was exciting.

My Descriptive Writing about Me

L.I - For writing, I have been learning to be able to write a description about myself.
I am a 11 years of age and I have wavy dark brown hair.  I am medium build and also short.  I have light brown eyes and long eye lashes.  Sometimes I can be a bit scruffy,  but that’s only when I'm feeling lazy. I am also a very playful person.

I am the sort of girl that love’s all sorts of music.  I love to sing and I love listening to music.  I also enjoy playing different sports.  I can be sporty sometimes depending on my mood.  I also love learning new things about all sorts of things.

I am a very emotional person, and also shy. When I am put in front of a big crowd and I have to sing or read, I get so nervous that I just want to run off the stage or the alter. But then yet it is always good to face your fears and overcome them.

I love it when I get told that I had done a perfect reading or I was good at singing. Because then I do know that I am good at something. But I'm not ALWAYS great because I have my moments.
Although nobody's perfect.